Timber Cleaner



Timber Cleaner

Evolving Elements Timber Cleaner is a high-strength timber treatment that contains oxalic acid and citric acid, both naturally occurring, bio­degradable acids. Use Evolving Elements Timber-Cleaner to remove surface contaminants prior to coating, the cleaner will help to restore and prepare weathered, grey, rust or tannin-stained, mould or mildew-affected timber to a clean appearance ready for coating

Remove surface dirt by sweeping or washing it down with water. Shake Evolving Elements Timber Cleaner thoroughly. Mix 1 part Evolving Elements Timber Cleaner to 4 parts water in a plastic container. For severely stained surfaces a stronger solution or repeat applications may be necessary. Tannin-rich timbers may also require repeat applications; wash until the water used to rinse off is clear.

Wet the timber surfaces to be cleaned with water. Apply Evolving Elements Timber Cleaner mixture generously with a stiff bristle brush. Scrub the timber vigorously. Spot cleaning should be avoided to prevent patchy results. Leave the mixture on the timber for 10-15 minutes. If necessary, apply more mixture to keep timber damp throughout this period.

Do not allow the mixture to dry. Rinse off the surface thoroughly using maximum pressure from a garden hose or using a high-pressure water cleaner (recommended for large areas or badly discoloured timber). Failure to thoroughly rinse off the mixture may result in timber discolouration under clear finishes.

Additional information

Weight 5.5 kg
Dimensions 20 × 13 × 31 cm

5ltr, 20ltr


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